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Heliconia Red Yellow Gyro in Bloom

heliconia latispatha red yellow gyro


Heliconia latispatha ‘Red-Yellow Gyro’  is pumping out the blooms around my pool right now.. this is a really easy to grow Heliconia that seems to never stop producing flowers.  This is about the 6th or 7th bloom cycle on my clump this year!

Grows to 6-8 feet tall ideally in bright but partial sun. Cold hardy too.  We have a limited quantity of this one at the nursery now.

Exotica Tropicals will be open WED 10/28 thru FRI 10/30 this week.

9:30 am to 1:30  (1:00 PM on WED)

We’ve got loads of other cool stuff as well- stop by the jungle and see what’s growing!


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