Here’s a few photos from around the nursery- quite a few interesting new plants to check out- my favorite new additions are the GIANT Anthurium “Marie” that just came in. These are huge and in 7 gallon pots- Anthurium x ‘Marie’ is an uncommon hybrid anthurium of the “Bird’s Nest” variety- it grows in a large mound and has massive leaves the emerge green and then transform to a purplely black as they mature. I have this plant all over my garden in Melbourne Beach and it has always done very well for me- I highly recommend it.
We are in the process of transforming the nursery area into a greenhouse by adding our winter wrap- this is done mostly to extend our growing season, but it makes for a nice tropical escape during winter months! It stays very warm and humid at the nursery once our wrap is up- stop by and check it out to get a little feel of the tropics!
Anthurium x Marie
Philodendron radiatum
Here’s another new addition at Exotica Tropicals- this is a Philodendron radiatum- a nice climber that makes a giant serrated leaf when allowed to climb. This one is in a 7 gallon pot and starting to get big- would work well as an indoor houseplant near a sunny window, or will get gigantic outside climbed up a tree or palm trunk.
Alocasia plumbea ‘Black Alocasia’
This is a really cool alocasia that has done fantastic for me in the garden. It has a dark & metallic leaf with a nice ripply texture that accents the sheen nicely. This one does well in bright, areas- not in all day direct sun, but a little bit protected. It creates a dramatic impression that is pure tropical. Leaves get to about 3 feet long on dark purple stems. A good grower.